
Web Dev Day

Opening the Gates

Start of the Conference

Bill Salak, Przemysław Nowak

Bill Salak – CTO & COO at BrainlyPrzemysław Nowak – Domain Lead - Frontend Infra at Brainly

Architecting the Future with Brainiac: Building a JavaScript Stack for the AI-Driven Era

Discover Brainly's tech stack, designed to future-proof JavaScript architectures in preparation for AI-driven assistant development. This keynote explores how Brainiac framework streamlines development workflows, enhances scalability, and sets the stage for AI integration. Learn about its modular design and systematic practices that enable rapid adaptation and robust system evolution. This session offers a deep dive into how cutting-edge JavaScript practices can prepare your projects for the next technology cycle. Join us to see how Brainly prepared JS tech stack for the AI future.

Szymon Chmal

Senior React Native Developer × CallstackWeb performance freakGDG Toruń Lead
#async#event loop#Scheduler

What's Happening in the Background? A Deep Dive into the JavaScript Event Loop

Curious about whether a micro-task or a macro-task comes first? Wondering how to manage long-running tasks to prevent your browser from freezing? Or how to wait until the browser paints the next frame? If these questions leave you scratching your head, join us as we demystify the JavaScript event loop. You’ll learn how the browser schedules tasks and discover practical insights into managing task execution. We’ll also explore intriguing APIs like requestIdleCallback and take a peek into the future with the upcoming Scheduler API. No frameworks or libraries here—just pure, classic JavaScript.

Red Bull Break

Andrzej Fricze

Senior FullStack × The HEINEKEN Company

The wonderful world of native web animations

Dive into the world of web animations using native CSS and JavaScript APIs. This session will guide you through creating everything from simple effects to complex sequences, leveraging the latest browser features. We'll explore the advantages and potential pitfalls of native APIs, and show you how to craft animations that shine on modern browsers without leaving older devices in the dark. Whether you're looking to add subtle flourishes or eye-catching interactivity, you'll leave equipped to animate with confidence across the web ecosystem.

Patryk Omiotek

IT Consultant, Trainer & Software Engineer

How Streaming and Partial Prerendering can change the web?

How to optimize the loading speed of web applications while ensuring Security and Interactivity? During this presentation, I will demonstrate why Streaming and Partial Prerendering will change the way web applications are created. I will show the direction in which web applications are heading and discuss whether frontend developers will soon need to become fullstack developers.

Lunch Break

Chrystian Ruminowicz

Angular, Ionic and NativeScript developerTeacher at local university where his retro gaming angular libraries are put into motion year after yearExperienced extra (Blondynka TVP)

Rx Operator

Music production ain't easy, just like asynchronous programming! Add RxJS to the mix and we are on the rocket science level. Historically we had callbacks… Promises are the standard now but who likes standards in JS world? We need something new and complex! Something REACTIVE! Lets take a look at RxJS and how to smoothly transition from promises to observables and tap out some rhythm in the process.

Łukasz Borawski

Software EngineerVue & Astro EnthusiastMeetup OrganizerBloggerOpen-source Contributor

Nuxt: The Ultimate Next.js Alternative. It’s Much More Than You Think.

Next.js may be the go-to for many, but have you ever checked out Nuxt? It’s not just a Vue.js counterpart - it might be a game-changer for you. During this talk, we’ll break down why Nuxt offers a superior developer experience with its smooth workflows, built-in features, and robust ecosystem that can save you time and … money. Whether you’re building complex apps or just want a framework that feels intuitive, Nuxt delivers the flexibility and ease that can really surprise you. Let’s dive in and see why it could be the perfect alternative to take your projects to the "NEXT" level!

Coffee Break

Jakub Mrugalski

AI and Web Security Specialist and TrainerPodcaster and YouTuberFounder of VPS provider:

What if you could start a startup in a weekend? - no-code, AI and a bit of magic

Rapid delivery of working prototypes and rapid validation of ideas, in the world of startups and hobby projects, is one element of success. A classic technology stack is OK, but in some situations it can slow you down. However, there is a shortcut. During the lecture, I will present you with tools and concepts that will allow you to finish your projects or implement new ones, and the titular 'startup in a weekend' will not be just clickbait for you, but will become a case study that you will talk about at a future conference.

Zbigniew Tenerowicz

Sr Staff Security Engineer & Security Lab Team Lead at ConsensysOpen-source enthusiastmeet.js Poland organizer

I run code from the internet!

Is it wise to run code from strangers? Well, we do it all the time and there's no backing out of it. Let's take a look at how a JavaScript project can proactively defend itself from supply chain attacks, assuming it already ships with a malicious dependency. Limit access to globals for each package? Sure. Control if a package can access network or file system? Yup, that too. And no more prototype pollution. I will show how future features of JavaScript being discussed in TC39 can be used to protect your project right now and even execute actual malware live for your entertainment.

Maciej Korsan

Frontend developer with over 20 years of experience in creating creative solutions for websitesLoves to mix art with codeDJ and VJ

From Code Editor to Art Gallery Performance - Generative Music in the Browser

This presentation focuses on the fascinating world of generative music, with a primary focus on JavaScript implementation. During the presentation, we will move into a world of controlled chaos and use code to create dynamic, unpredictable musical compositions.

Closing the first day of the Conference

AI Day

Opening the Gates

Start of the Conference

Bartosz Pampuch

Former Microsoft MVPC-level manager with over 17 years of experience

Intro: What's happening in AI? Overview of conference topics.

Bartosz Pampuch

Former Microsoft MVPC-level manager with over 17 years of experience

Small Language Models

Coffee Break

Krzysztof Wróbel

Co-creator of Bielik Polish language modelNLP expertCo-founder of EnelpolAuthor of 30+ publications

Training Large Language Models: The Example of Bielik 2.0

In this presentation, we will delve into the intricate process of training large language models, using Bielik 2.0 as a case study. We will examine the critical aspects of Dataset and Data Collection, Model Architecture, Training Process, Evaluation and Performance Metrics, and Future Directions in the field. By focusing on these elements, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of how large language models like Bielik 2.0 are developed and optimized.

Agnieszka Zgud

Creative Technologist at Grupa Robocza. PhilosopherUX/UI Designer at Lekta.aiCo-author of the book “Co można a nawet trzeba wiedzieć o komputerach”
#philosophy#ai#mythology#small models

Mythology and Practice of AI: Killing the Father, the Rise of the Small Models

The politics and mythology of the new technology present the development of AI as an inevitable, determined and total process although for now only the investors are determined. From this perspective, large models are modern pyramids, which are to demonstrate power and provide immortality for the pharaohs. But what if other mythologies and other technologies are possible? What about small forest models, or models that, hidden under the stairs, guard the house, feeding on sun, water or, why not, leftovers from dinner? In my talk, I will show several turning points in the emergence of artificial intelligence technologies and myths, and I will also try to outline the possibilities of creating your own small, autonomous models.

Coffee Break

Kewin Wereszczyński, Maciej Jastrzębski

Kewin – React Native Developer, loves 3D graphics, games, special effects, photography and cinematography. A bit obsessed with AIMaciej – expert in native iOS and Android apps. Maintainer of React Native Testing Library & Reassure OSS

Lessons from implementing Internal AI Assistant

We spent over 6 months implementing our internal AI assistant. We learned a lot in the process and in this talk we want to share our most important findings, learnings and problems we encountered along with our solutions to them. You will learn what to avoid and what to focus on when planning one for yourself, or your company.

Lunch Break

Cezary Kuik

AI Product Manager in Allegro

Prompt Engineering: Controlling Non-Deterministic Outputs in the World of Deterministic Code

In this session, we'll explore how prompt engineering introduces non-deterministic elements into deterministic coding environments. We'll discuss strategies to manage and control unpredictable outputs, ensuring more reliable and consistent results when working with AI-driven systems.

Grzegorz Marzencki

Staff engineerIT trainer jstrainings.comAI Advisor

Why AI ain’t funny? Introduction to LLM you were missing

LLMs are bad at jokes. They just... won’t get it. But why? How about instead of learning how LLMs behave in certain ways, you learn how they work? Once you grasp it, their behavior will be no surprise. No joke! I will tell you about: transformer-based architecture, what causes hallucinations, what is fine-tuning and when it makes sense, the science behind prompt engineering, when to use AI agents, AI architectural patterns for complex problem-solving.

Coffee Break

Konrad Bujak

AI specialist, founder of startups: including Ektare, where he was a co-founder and technology leaderCTO for the Generativly project

Feeding RAG systems with data without the headache

Getting your data ready for RAG systems can be tricky, but it doesn't have to be a headache. In this session, I'll share some practical tips from my projects, on how to make this process smoother. We'll cover various methods of breaking your text into chunks for better LLM context. I'll show you how I format documents for better results and how to handle references between paragraphs, documents, and images. We'll also tackle how I process more complex documents, like legal texts or websites to make those more machine-friendly, without losing important details. Lastly, I'll give you insights on tweaking human-created content to make it work better for machines. There will be memes

Przeprogramowani: Marcin Czarkowski, Przemysław Smyrdek

AI Technical Leaders and Educators

No-Code, Low-Code, or AI-Code? What really threatens a programmer's job?

The world of programming is facing new challenges. For years, No-Code and Low-Code solutions have been gaining popularity, undermining the unique value of the work of skilled programmers. Additionally, artificial intelligence, represented by tools such as ChatGPT, Claude 3.5 Sonnet or Cursor, is getting better at generating code every week. In this talk, we will analyse the impact of these technologies on the programming profession, with a particular focus on web developers. We will outline potential AI development scenarios and their implications for the IT industry. We will discuss whether programmers will maintain their position or be replaced by autonomous AI systems in the coming years.

Coffee Break

Witold Kowalczyk

CEO, Founder – Delos AI Inc.Forbes 30 under 30

Using Multimodal AI to Build Autonomous Contracts (Marketing Compliance Example).

Companies base their business on contracts. These contracts can sometimes be extremely demanding to handle - involving considerable human resources to handle a given contract. An example of a complex process, for example, is marketing compliance, which requires analysis of a variety of materials, such as audio, video, images and text. The process is complex due to the amount and variety of materials (audio, video, photos, text), as well as the complexity of the rules (lots of rules open to interpretation). The presentation will describe the experience of a project to build an AI system to automate this entire process. Technological challenges, technologies used and know-how gained will be discussed.

Paweł Gora, PhD

Founder and CEO of the Quantum AI FoundationChairman of the Board of QWorldPostdoctoral Researcher at Sano

Quantum Computing for AI

In this talk, I will give an introduction to quantum machine learning. First, I will explain the basic concepts and algorithms of quantum computing, how it differs from the classical way of computing, what can be the possible applications of quantum computing, and what are the biggest challenges in this field. Then, I will present the theory behind quantum machine learning algorithms and talk about their possible applications and state of the art. Finally, I will present some quantum computing and quantum machine learning frameworks and libraries, and show how to get started in this field and where to learn more.

Closing the Conference

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